
The Future of Electronic Monitoring: Cutting-Edge Tech and Trends
Electronic monitoring (EM) has become a cornerstone in modern criminal justice systems. It represents an alternative to incarceration and gives those who have made legal mistakes a way to remain in their homes and communities.

Using Monitoring Devices to Help Veterans Get Back on the Right Track
Many military professionals don’t have support when they transition to full-time civilian life. As a result, some experience severe symptoms of PTSD and get caught up in substance abuse struggles that land them in front

How Monitoring Devices Offer Second Chances Beyond April
April is Second Chance Month, a time to focus on reintegration and support for those who have faced legal challenges or are enrolled in an accountability program. But the concept of a second chance shouldn’t

What It’s Like to Wear an Ankle Monitor
A first-person account from a defendant under house arrest Nobody prepares you for this. When you are charged with a crime, you have to make decisions quickly and you don’t know which way to go.

DUI Convictions in Georgia Trigger On-Demand Monitoring
One in every four people who died on Georgia’s roads in 2018 was impaired at the time of death.
If you are lucky enough to survive driving impaired,

Agencies Use Technology to Track Detainees
Pre-trial detention, the time between when you are charged with a crime and when you go to trial, often lasts weeks, sometimes even months. Previously, detainees spent that time behind bars to ensure they did

Why Wait in Jail for Your Trial?
As a nation, the U.S. spends close to $140 billion annually to keep detainees in pre-trial detention. Pretrial detention used to mean languishing in jail waiting for the calendar to display the right date. In

Monitoring Tools: Key to Defendant Accountability
Courts and bail bonding companies use technology-based tools, such as ankle monitors and smartphones, to help detainees await trial outside the walls of a jail. Location tracking and remote monitoring electronic tethers are one way