Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I’ve Been Court Ordered to Wear a Monitoring Bracelet but Don’t Know Where to Go to Get Started.
The court or agency requiring monitoring may manage your monitoring internally or have a specific company they would like you to go to for the monitoring. If the court did not provide you with that information, contact us and we can help.
What Does a 2nd Chance Monitoring Do?
A 2nd Chance Monitoring offers electronic services and devices to support compliance with legal requirements like pretrial release conditions or diversion programs. We provide GPS tracking and alcohol monitoring tools.
How Does My Device Work?
Your device uses GPS tech to track your location, and it shares that data with authorized parties, such as your case manager. We also offer equipment with alcohol monitoring tools to demonstrate that you aren’t consuming alcoholic beverages as you complete your program.
How Do I Charge the Monitoring Device?
Simply plug in your machine using the provided plug and cord. It will have a fully charged battery within a few hours, allowing you to get back to your daily tasks.
How Much Do I Pay for the Monitor?
There is a one-time installation fee and a requirement that you pay all or contribute to the daily monitoring fee. Program charges can vary based on your individual sentence, program parameters or other financial obligations.
Is it Safe to Wear a Monitoring Device During a Medical Procedure?
You cannot wear a monitoring bracelet if you need an MRI. You will need to contact your supervising agent prior to a scheduled appointment to make arrangements to have the bracelet removed prior to the procedure. Your agent may have additional requirements. If you are unsure about other procedures, contact our office.
Will I Set Off Alarms Going Through Metal Detectors or Security Checkpoints?
No. It’s no different than your cell phone or any other jewelry you might wear.
Can I Get My Monitor Wet?
You cannot submerge the bracelet in water (swimming pools, hot tubs, the bathtub). However, you can – and should – shower in order to keep the area around the bracelet clean.
What Should I Do if My Device Malfunctions?
Just call A 2nd Chance Monitoring. We’ll take care of any problems you encounter and send you a replacement device if necessary.
Who Do I Contact for Support?
News & Info

The Future of Electronic Monitoring: Cutting-Edge Tech and Trends
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Using Monitoring Devices to Help Veterans Get Back on the Right Track
Many military professionals don’t have support when they transition to full-time civilian life. As a result, some experience severe symptoms of PTSD and get caught

A 2nd Chance Monitoring to Showcase Comprehensive Accountability Solutions at CACJ Annual Training Conference
A 2nd Chance offers expert monitoring services to support accountability courts and ensure participant compliance. ATLANTA – September 11, 2024 – A 2nd Chance Monitoring,